Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Google Body (new google application)

The WebGL, GUI free competitor to Flash, can use the OpenGL standard JavaScript code directly from a Web page (Web page is a resource on the World Wide Web designed to be viewed by visitors to the aid of a browser ...). This technology (The word has two meanings of technology did:) allows the display (The display is the application of a surface of paper script into a public place (not the home) on a carrier ...) of 3D content in a page, using the OpenGL drivers, and hardware acceleration of graphics card. Google wanted to circumvent the need (requirements are at the level of interaction between the individual and the environment. It is often a ...) to install new drivers, especially for users of Windows (Windows is a range of operating systems produced by Microsoft, principally with the machines ...), where his work on his project (a project - in a professional context - a temporary adventure company in order to create a product or ...) ANGLE (In geometry, the general concept of angle is divided into several related concepts.) (Almost Native Layer Graphics Engine) which is to use the WebGL directly without going through the installation of drivers.

Body Application Browser allows the user to "manipulate" a human body, by turning on itself and by zooming in on the parts that interest them, all with great fluidity. It is also possible to choose what you want to view, adjusting the transparency (A material or object is described as transparent when it lets light through. ...): The concept hinges on the skeleton, organs, nervous system (the nervous system is a network system consisting of the sense organs, nerves, brain, spinal cord ,...), the vascular system (blood and lymphatic vessels), muscle or whole body. An engine (an engine is a device that transforms a non-mechanical energy (wind, chemical, electrical, thermal ...) Research (Scientific research means first of all actions taken to produce and. ..) allows you to find a bone by typing its name, for example.

Obviously, this application requires a browser that supports API WebGL. For now, only Chrome 9 beta version of Safari developers, and Firefox beta 4 permit. You can download a browser and test this application directly to http://bodybrowser.googlelabs.com/

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